February 15th CISD Professional Learning Day has ended
Friday, February 15

8:30am CST

PE App Demo - SecondaryFULL C122 PE Bulb - ElementaryFULL B105 Attention and Executive FunctionFULL C131 Cognitive Strategies for Struggling LearnersOPEN C129 Depth and Complexity (Rigor vs. Hard)LIMITED C208 EL Digital ToolboxOPEN C118 Empower Students and Enhance Learning with Effective Use of Supplemental AidsOPEN C221 Function Based Behavioral StrategiesOPEN C209 Improving your Teaching - and their Learning - by Using the Science of LearningLIMITED C207 Language and CommunicationOPEN C125 Mindfulness and Social/Emotional Regulation Supports for LearnersLIMITED C215 Motor Skills and Sensory ProcessingOPEN H134 Pace & Rigor for Gifted LearnersOPEN D203 Reading Difficulties and DisabilitiesLIMITED C133 Restorative Practices and their Support of LearningOPEN C213 Say What?...Do Your English Learners Understand You?OPEN C119 Schoology (101) 3-5, It’s Elementary!OPEN C214 Schoology Creating and Using RubricsOPEN B207 Schoology for K-2, It’s Elementary!LIMITED C235 Schoology Structures for Differentiation in an Elementary ClassroomOPEN B119 Schoology Using Visuals to Enhance LearningOPEN B121 SEL and Culturally Responsive TeachingOPEN C206 Self-Paced Learning Experiences (Elementary)OPEN C123 Self-Paced Learning Experiences (Secondary)FULL B224 Supporting Anxiety and Emotionality in the ClassroomFULL C211 Using Low Floor, High Ceiling Tasks to Increase AccessibilityOPEN C116 Using the iPad to Achieve Mastery in a Project while Allowing Differentiation, Authenticity and Student OwnershipLIMITED B103 What is a Student Support System for BehaviorOPEN B209 Writing Difficulties and DisabilitiesOPEN D201 PLC ShowcaseOPEN Cafeteria/Commons Implementing Bulb (Elementary)FULL Library Schoology Implementation (Secondary)OPEN Library TurnItIn Implementation (Secondary)OPEN Library Using Gizmos and Understanding the Reports (Elementary)OPEN Library Using Membean and Understading the Reports (Secondary)OPEN Library Using Raz-Kids and Understating the Reports (Elementary)FULL Library Using Reflex Math and Using the Reports (Elementary)OPEN Library Engaging and Empowering Readers in the Secondary Classroom - Panel DiscussionOPEN C223 Learner Conferences For the WinOPEN C231 Learner Goal Setting and ConferringOPEN B112 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDLIMITED C204 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDLIMITED C202 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDLIMITED B123 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDLIMITED C218 Strategy Groups in Workshop Model - Panel DiscussionOPEN C227 Supporting Learner Growth in Writer's Workshop - Panel DiscussionOPEN C225 Teaching for Standards Mastery (Secondary)OPEN B116 Using Data to Drive Instruction for ELs in the Secondary ClassroomOPEN B110 Using Formative Assessments in the Elementary ClassroomOPEN B118 Using Formative Assessments in the Secondary ClassroomOPEN B102 Using iStation for Learner Goal SettingOPEN C104 Using Schoology for Tracking Learner MasteryOPEN B208 Using TurnItIn in the Secondary ClassroomOPEN B206 Literacy Workshop Huddle (3-5)FULL E206 Literacy Workshop Huddle (K-2)FULL E205 Seven Steps to a Language Rich Foreign Language ClassroomLIMITED E202 Trauma Team - Region 10FULL B205 Unconscious Bias - Group A E104 Unconscious Bias - Group B E102 Unconscious Bias - Group C E105

10:00am CST

PE App Demo - ElementaryFULL B105 PE Bulb - SecondaryLIMITED C122 Attention and Executive FunctionLIMITED C131 Cognitive Strategies for Struggling LearnersOPEN C129 Depth and Complexity (Rigor vs. Hard)OPEN C208 EL Digital ToolboxOPEN C118 Function Based Behavioral StrategiesOPEN C209 GT Identification Process Information (Smackdown/Scenarios)OPEN C233 Improving your Teaching - and their Learning - by Using the Science of LearningOPEN C207 Language and CommunicationOPEN C125 Mindfulness and Social/Emotional Regulation Supports for LearnersLIMITED C215 Motor Skills and Sensory ProcessingOPEN H134 Pace & Rigor for Gifted LearnersOPEN D203 Reading Difficulties and DisabilitiesFULL C133 Restorative Practices and their Support of LearningOPEN C213 Say What?...Do Your English Learners Understand You?OPEN C119 Schoology (101) for 6 - 12th GradeOPEN C124 Schoology Creating and Using RubricsOPEN B207 Schoology for K-2, It’s Elementary!OPEN C235 Schoology Structures for Differentiation in a Secondary ClassroomLIMITED B119 Schoology Using Visuals to Enhance LearningOPEN B121 SEL and Culturally Responsive TeachingOPEN C206 Self-Paced Learning Experiences (Elementary)OPEN C123 Self-Paced Learning Experiences (Secondary)OPEN B224 Supporting Anxiety and Emotionality in the ClassroomFULL C211 Using the iPad to Achieve Mastery in a Project while Allowing Differentiation, Authenticity and Student OwnershipOPEN B103 What is a Student Support System for BehaviorOPEN B209 Writing Difficulties and DisabilitiesOPEN E207 PLC ShowcaseOPEN Cafeteria/Commons Implementing Bulb (Elementary)FULL Library Implementing Bulb (Secondary)LIMITED Library Schoology Implementation (Elementary)OPEN Library Schoology Implementation (Secondary)LIMITED Library Twitter as a PLNLIMITED Library Using Membean and Understanding the Reports (Secondary)OPEN Library Conferring & Goal Setting in the Elementary Classroom - Panel DiscussionFULL C220 Engaging and Empowering Readers in the Secondary Classroom - Panel DiscussionOPEN C223 Learner Conferences For the WinOPEN C231 Learner Goal Setting and ConferringOPEN B112 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDFULL B123 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDOPEN C202 Schoology AMP Module 2: Enhance Question TypesLIMITED C218 Schoology AMP Module 2: Enhance Question TypesOPEN C204 Supporting Learner Growth in Writer's Workshop - Panel DiscussionOPEN C225 Teaching for Standards Mastery (Secondary)OPEN B116 Using Formative Assessments in the Elementary ClassroomOPEN B118 Using Formative Assessments in the Secondary ClassroomFULL B102 Using iStation for Learner Goal SettingOPEN C104 Using Schoology for Tracking Learner MasteryOPEN B208 Using TELPAS and Language Testing to Inform Lesson Design (Elementary)OPEN C102 Using TurnItIn in the Secondary ClassroomOPEN B206

12:45pm CST

Attention and Executive FunctionOPEN C131 Cognitive Strategies for Struggling LearnersLIMITED C129 Depth and Complexity (Rigor vs. Hard)OPEN C208 Empower Students and Enhance Learning with Effective Use of Supplemental AidsOPEN C221 Function Based Behavioral StrategiesOPEN C209 Improving your Teaching - and their Learning - by Using the Science of LearningOPEN C207 Language and CommunicationOPEN C125 Mindfulness and Social/Emotional Regulation Supports for LearnersFULL C215 Motor Skills and Sensory ProcessingOPEN H134 Pace & Rigor for Gifted LearnersOPEN D203 Reading Difficulties and DisabilitiesOPEN C133 Restorative Practices and their Support of LearningOPEN C213 Say What?...Do Your English Learners Understand You?OPEN C119 Schoology (101) for 6 - 12th GradeOPEN C124 Schoology Creating and Using RubricsOPEN B207 Schoology for K-2, It’s Elementary!OPEN C235 Schoology Structures for Differentiation in a Secondary ClassroomOPEN B119 SEL and Culturally Responsive TeachingOPEN C206 Self-Paced Learning Experiences (Elementary)LIMITED C123 Self-Paced Learning Experiences (Secondary)OPEN B224 Supporting Anxiety and Emotionality in the ClassroomFULL C211 Using Low Floor, High Ceiling Tasks to Increase AccessibilityOPEN C116 Using the iPad to Achieve Mastery in a Project while Allowing Differentiation, Authenticity and Student OwnershipLIMITED B103 What is a Student Support System for BehaviorOPEN B209 Writing Difficulties and DisabilitiesLIMITED E207 PLC ShowcaseOPEN Cafeteria/Commons Implementing Bulb (Secondary)FULL Library TurnItIn Implementation (Secondary)OPEN Library Twitter as a PLNFULL Library Using Bulb as a SpecialistFULL Library Using Raz-Kids and Understating the Reports (Elementary)FULL Library Using Reflex Math and Using the Reports (Elementary)OPEN Library Using Schoology as a SpecialistLIMITED Library Conferring & Goal Setting in the Elementary Classroom - Panel DiscussionOPEN C220 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDOPEN C202 Schoology AMP Module 1: Intro to AMP in CISDOPEN B123 Schoology AMP Module 2: Enhance Question TypesLIMITED C218 Schoology AMP Module 2: Enhance Question TypesOPEN C204 Strategy Groups in Workshop Model - Panel DiscussionOPEN C227 Supporting Learner Growth in Reader's Workshop - Panel DiscussionOPEN C237 Teaching for Standards Mastery (Secondary)OPEN B116 Using Data to Drive Instruction for ELs in the Secondary ClassroomOPEN B110 Using Formative Assessments in the Elementary ClassroomOPEN B118 Using Formative Assessments in the Secondary ClassroomFULL B102 Using iStation for Learner Goal SettingLIMITED C104 Using Learner Data for Strategy GroupsOPEN B113 Using Schoology for Tracking Learner MasteryOPEN B208 Using SMART Goals and the PLC Process to Teach for MasteryOPEN B120 Using TurnItIn in the Secondary ClassroomOPEN B206 Workshop FAQs - Panel DiscussionOPEN D115 Secondary Shadow SouthlakeLIMITED

2:15pm CST

PAG Team TimeLIMITED D202 SLP Team Time C117 Structured Learning and Active Learning Team Time D107 Transitional Pathways Team Time D104 10th Grade ELA Team Time C116 10th Grade Math Team Time C104 10th Grade Science Team Time D115 10th Grade Social Studies Team Time C118 11th Grade ELA Team Time C127 11th Grade Math Team Time C119 11th Grade Science Team Time C123 11th Grade Social Studies Team Time C125 12th Grade ELA Team Time D201 12th Grade Math Team Time C129 12th Grade Science Team Time C131 12th Grade Social Studies Team Time C133 1st Grade Austin Team Time C212 1st Grade Cottonwood Creek Team Time C212 1st Grade Denton Creek Team Time C223 1st Grade Lakeside Team Time C229 1st Grade Lee Team Time C225 1st Grade Mockingbird Team Time C225 1st Grade Pinkerton Team Time C227 1st Grade Town Center Team Time C227 1st Grade Valley Ranch Team Time C229 1st Grade Wilson Team Time C223 2nd Grade Austin Team Time C231 2nd Grade Cottonwood Creek Team Time C231 2nd Grade Denton Creek Team Time C233 2nd Grade Lakeside Team Time B201 2nd Grade Lee Team Time C235 2nd Grade Mockingbird Team Time C235 2nd Grade Pinkerton Team Time C237 2nd Grade Town Center Team Time C237 2nd Grade Valley Ranch Team Time B201 2nd Grade Wilson Team Time C233 3rd Grade Austin Team Time B203 3rd Grade Cottonwood Creek Team Time B203 3rd Grade Denton Creek Team Time B205 3rd Grade Lakeside Team Time B211 3rd Grade Lee Team Time B207 3rd Grade Mockingbird Team Time B207 3rd Grade Pinkerton Team Time B209 3rd Grade Town Center Team Time B209 3rd Grade Valley Ranch Team Time B211 3rd Grade Wilson Team Time B205 4th Grade Austin Team Time B213 4th Grade Cottonwood Creek Team Time B213 4th Grade Denton Creek Team Time B214 4th Grade Lakeside Team Time B206 4th Grade Lee Team Time B210 4th Grade Mockingbird Team Time B210 4th Grade Pinkerton Team Time B208 4th Grade Town Center Team Time B208 4th Grade Valley Ranch Team Time B206 4th Grade Wilson Team Time B214 5th Grade Austin Team Time B202 5th Grade Cottonwood Creek Team Time B202 5th Grade Denton Creek Team Time B215 5th Grade Lakeside Team Time B224 5th Grade Lee Team Time B216 5th Grade Mockingbird Team Time B216 5th Grade Pinkerton Team Time B218 5th Grade Town Center Team Time B218 5th Grade Valley Ranch Team Time B224 5th Grade Wilson Team Time B215 6th Grade ELA Team Time B119 6th Grade Fine Arts Team Time C221 6th Grade Math Team Time B123 6th Grade Science Team Time C124 6th Grade Social Studies Team Time B121 6th-8th Grade CTE Team Time Library 7th Grade ELA Team Time B120 7th Grade Fine Arts Team Time B225 7th Grade Math Team Time B117 7th Grade Science Team Time B115 7th Grade Social Studies Team Time B124 8th Grade ELA Team Time B102 8th Grade Fine Arts Team Time B227 8th Grade Math Team Time B116 8th Grade Science Team Time B114 8th Grade Social Studies Team Time B118 9th Grade ELA Team Time B113 9th Grade Math Team Time C102 9th Grade Science Team Time B110 9th Grade Social Studies Team Time B112 9th-12th Grade CTE Team Time Library 9th-12th Grade Fine Arts Team Time C207 Diagnostician Team Time B229 Digital Learning Coach Team Time B221 Elementary Art Team Time B220 Elementary Counselor Team Time E207 Elementary Music Team Time B217 ESL Facilitator Team Time E206 GT Facilitator Team Time A106 Instructional Coach Team Time E205 K-12 Band Team Time E103 K-12 Music Team Time E102 K-12 Theatre Team Time E105 K-12 Visual Arts Team Time E106 Kindergarten Austin Team Time C211 Kindergarten Cottonwood Creek Team Time C213 Kindergarten Denton Creek Team Time C215 Kindergarten Lakeside Team Time C214 Kindergarten Lee Team Time C206 Kindergarten Mockingbird Team Time C208 Kindergarten Pinkerton Team Time C204 Kindergarten Town Center Team Time C218 Kindergarten Valley Ranch Team Time C214 Kindergarten Wilson Team Time C202 Librarian Team Time B223 LOTE Team Time E202 Pre-K/PPCD Team Time C209 Victory Place Team Time D117 “Coppell Mile” Planning Session & Team TimeLIMITED B219
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